You have been called to this site for a reason; I'm honored you've come. As a professional practitioner and spiritual worker in the sacred traditions of shamanic cultures, I have a duty to give you as much information as possible about the powerful ceremony known as "Soul Retrieval". What you will find here will give you plenty to ponder, and I hope you will take your time reading and deeply thinking about all that is presented.
INTRODUCTION Soul retrieval is not something to be taken lightly. It's usually a once-in-a-lifetime event. You should approach it as sacredly and with as much thought and planning as you would with a marriage ceremony, or buying a home, or deciding whether to have a child.
As with the above mentioned rites of passage, things change after a soul retrieval ceremony. You should think about what this may mean for you: How will it feel? How will it make life different? What are my expectations, and are they realistic?Are you really ready for a life altering change at this point in your life? What must I do after a soul retrieval to keep myself whole and in my personal power?
Anyone can post a website and claim to be a practitioner of anything. Hiring a website builder is easy, and posting plagiarized words and explanations can make someone seem professional...even when they are not.
As with most non-licensed spiritual and ceremonial practices, its hard to know whether you are dealing with someone who has professional experience and training. The only way to know is to ask, and to take your time interviewing practitioners. This is not something you want to do without thought, or on a whim. Note: If you are feeling that "desperate" feeling, as if you MUST do this IMMEDIATLEY and need help TODAY...then you aren't in the state of mind to make a good decision about something such as finding a spiritual practitioner. Take time and wait until you are more relaxed and balanced before seeking a practitioner and setting an appointment for any spiritual work.
Ask your practitioner questions (some examples are here, but ask whatever you feel you need to) and pay attention to how the person responds. Flighty answers, non committed answers, vague replies and ones that try to redirect you are all ways people avoid giving you the full story. A true, qualified practitioner can be put on the "hot seat" - and should be! After all, this is your life we are talking about! There are definitely qualified and experienced practitioners, and you certainly can find someone trustworthy and experienced that suits your needs. Trust your feelings and take time finding just the right practitioner for you.
Good questions to ask:
Who are you, and how did you come to learn this process?
How old are you?
Where are you located?
How long have you practiced soul retrieval?
How many have you done?
Where did you get training?
How long did you train before practicing professionally?
Are there references I can contact to ask about you and your practices?
The soul retrieval is beautiful and powerful ceremony to bring home pieces of the soul that have been torn away through physical and/or emotional trauma. None of us have lived life without enduring many traumatic events….sometimes these events can drive out "pieces" from the energy body, creating gaps/fissures/loss of power.
You know if you have soul loss; you feel that something important is missing. You feel that you are not whole, that you are empty or unfulfilled, damaged and stuck. You may feel trapped and on a treadmill.
You may have been in therapy for years, and yet still unable to move past an event; you may be repeating negative behaviors and keep having the same negative story play out in your life, over and over. You may continue to give away your energy to people who can't appreciate or "use up" or drain you. You may have long times of crisis that seem unending.
For some, an single event can be so catastrophic, or an event can be repeated so often, that the awareness actually disengages from the body- people report floating above or walking around outside the body. The awareness disassociates from the mind. Sometimes even new personalities form to handle the stress and fragmentation that has occurred in energy loss.
You may even remember the exact moment something took place that left you feeling empty or numb, and like a “piece” left you.
Authors note: I distinctly remember one such event in my own life: a divorce. Even though it was amicable on most levels, and something we both agreed needed to happen, there was a deep trauma inside me afterwards. In fact, I told someone at the time, “I feel like someone took a bite out of me”. And that was long, long before I knew about soul retrieval!
Indigenous cultures did soul retrievals immediately when something damaging happened to a member of the community. They did not let the soul piece get too far away. They acknowledged the great trauma, and they ceremonially thanked and honored the piece(s) for leaving and “protecting” the emotions of the person, so that suffering was lessened. Then, they called back the piece(s), healed and returned them to the person. Afterward, the energy field of the person was again whole, allowing recovery from any physical and emotional aspects associated with the traumatic event.
Most modern cultures never acknowledge soul loss – instead, we tend to say “buck up, pick yourself up, get over it”. Or we engage in years of emotional and mental therapies, that somehow aren't enough. We, as a culture, do not readily acknowledge that our spirit is conscious, alive and able to work with us in “realms and dimensions” that our physical eyes can’t see. We don’t talk about the human energy field and how it can be fractured or torn or disrupted.
In soul loss, our spirit sends our soul pieces out, far, to a place where they can feel safe and protected. Unfortunately, we tend to leave our energy “out there”, never even thinking to go look for it. Imagine the loss of someone over 50 years old, who has had many traumas – how far the pieces must go! How well they must hide for protection!
The soul retrieval can repair these energetic scars and holes, bringing back the pieces and reintegrating them so that the aura is once more complete and full. Please read the linked article by Sandra Ingerman (who has 3 decades of experience and is a well known teacher of Shamanic soul retrieval). It is quite long, but has some wonderful insights and descriptions.
I recommend these 3 books (although there are several out there) if you wish to learn more about soul retrieval. These are not necessary to read in order to receive a soul retrieval, but they can help if you need more understanding or are curious about the deep traditions that honor this healing ceremony:
1)Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval- Alberto Villodo 2) Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self - Sandra Ingerman 3)Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul- Erika Buenaflor
About me: As a professional practitioner of shamanic soul retrieval, I aid you in recovering the lost pieces and returning them to your energy field, while helping you understand the story of your soul loss. I have more than a decade of experience in this sacred ceremony and have assisted more than 100 people with soul retrieval and spiritual integration. Please contact me and ask as many questions about me and my training as you like!
If you feel I may be the person to assist you with soul retrieval or any spiritual integration process, please visit this page for more information about my methods and to make an appointment: