Onay Song
Onay! By Tracy Silver Crow Crosby
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
O nay nu-evee o-nay nu-way yo
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo
Oh Nay Nu wee chee how!
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo,
Oh Nay Nu wee chee how!
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo,
Oh-nay nu-way yo.
This song was given by the ancestral helping spirits of Mississippi to Tracy as a song of power,
to assist in soul retrieval and healing.
Tracy’s connection and relationship to the healing spiritual forces of Mississippi gave this gift
without giving the full meaning, but imparting the knowledge that “saying this will bring change
and healing. There will be a shift from what was to what is "now”
A few years later, the full meaning was given, the language of the helpers explained:
Onay: I see, I hear , I know, I feel I am, I create….an acknowledgment of personal
power through Creator’s gifts to all of us. A statement of understanding that we are part
of Creator and part of creation, and part of creating. Onay is to understand the power
given by Creator and the responsibility to use Creators gifts
Wishish kahn. Creation. A sound that acknowledges all of creation
Nuevee release of the past, ending of what was, letting go.
Nuway. Embarking upon the new way, the healed path, the new beginning
Nuweecheehow The catalyst statement the “Aho! Or the “It is so!” The “I say it and
its so”.
We heal by letting go of the old story,
And by defining and choosing something else, something new.
It happens the moment we say it. Our power to change is the power we speak into creation.
Copyright ©2014Tracy Crosby
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
O nay nu-evee o-nay nu-way yo
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
Oh nay wish-ish kahn
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo
Oh Nay Nu wee chee how!
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo,
Oh Nay Nu wee chee how!
O nay nu-evee, o-nay nu-way yo,
Oh-nay nu-way yo.
This song was given by the ancestral helping spirits of Mississippi to Tracy as a song of power,
to assist in soul retrieval and healing.
Tracy’s connection and relationship to the healing spiritual forces of Mississippi gave this gift
without giving the full meaning, but imparting the knowledge that “saying this will bring change
and healing. There will be a shift from what was to what is "now”
A few years later, the full meaning was given, the language of the helpers explained:
Onay: I see, I hear , I know, I feel I am, I create….an acknowledgment of personal
power through Creator’s gifts to all of us. A statement of understanding that we are part
of Creator and part of creation, and part of creating. Onay is to understand the power
given by Creator and the responsibility to use Creators gifts
Wishish kahn. Creation. A sound that acknowledges all of creation
Nuevee release of the past, ending of what was, letting go.
Nuway. Embarking upon the new way, the healed path, the new beginning
Nuweecheehow The catalyst statement the “Aho! Or the “It is so!” The “I say it and
its so”.
We heal by letting go of the old story,
And by defining and choosing something else, something new.
It happens the moment we say it. Our power to change is the power we speak into creation.
Copyright ©2014Tracy Crosby